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Weird Darting Darters

Happy Fish Friday everyone! This one was a fun surprise and not easy to get a picture of. Shown here is a Northern Logperch x Blackside Darter (Percina semifasciata x maculata). Between quick flows, a non-stop darting darter, and dodging kayakers above me, I was able to snap a handful of images, with this one being the best.

Northern Logperch x Blackside Darter hybrid holding position in quick flows of Pigeon Creek

Behavior-wise, this individual acted similar to a Logperch staying in the rocky (and corbicula-riddled) substrate. It would dig into the interstitial spaces (openings between rocks), or follow Hornyhead Chubs around to eat aquatic insects that floated by after they moved rocks for a mound.

I have included images of a typical Northern Logperch (P. semifasciata) and Blackside Darters (P. maculata) from the same spot for comparison.

Typical Northern Logperch (Percina semifasciata)

Typical Blackside Darter (Percina maculata)

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